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Вопросы о фанфиках

Betina: к NSR ф-к «А музыка играла» - Все-таки, какой вопрос? к Samphire Fennel ф-к «Сквозь пустоту» - 17 февраля 1997 г. – разве дата смерти была известна? ф-к «Долгий путь от Хоупфолла» - Кусочек вулканической породы – буквы C и L значат Connor и Lindsay, ведь полное имя Лиз – Elizabeth?

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Worry: вся прелесть фанфика в том, что это полностью вольные размышления на заданную тему. Что хочу то и пишу: хочу, буду описывать события так, как будто Дойл вообще не умирал, хочу даты перепутаю, или вообще Коннора блондином сделаю, а Линдсей - чемпионкой мира, скажем, по фигурному катанию. Альтернатива - это великая вещь. Читай, словом, и не придирайся к мелочам....

Sammy: 17/02/97 - это дата выхода серии в эфир в Америке. Зачастую, в сериалах указывают даты выхода в эфир как даты текущих событий. Вспомните Tunguska в СМ, где на часах Малдера и в его билете проставлено 24 ноября 1998 года, дата выхода этой серии на экраны американского ТВ. Liz не обязательно Elizabeth.

Nat: Было несколько идей по поводу этого вопроса, но они в жизнь так и не воплотились, так что пусть каждый решает для себя сам

krista: А кстати, мне кто-нибудь может дать точное и полное определение понятию фанфик? Откуда оно взялось? Когда появилось? и т.д.

Nat: От словосочетания «fan fiction». Первое слово означает «поклонник, почитатель» или уже прижившийся в русском языке фанат или фан (хотя последнее, конечно, чистейшая траслитерация). У второго слова много значений (начиная от обозначения жанра до вида произведения). Я думаю, fan fiction - образование от science fiction. В общем-то, означает, произведения, написанные поклонниками чего-либо, как правило, без всякого уважения к правам на персонажей и пр. А если персонажи все придуманы, как и места действия, то это уже не fan fiction, а original work. А уж когда оно появилось... понятия не имею. Да и нужно ли это знать?

Sub: Впечатляет все это

krista: А где все-таки граница между фонфиком и original work? Понятно нечеткая. Но примерно... Sub Что - все?

Nat: Нет, напротив, граница между fan fiction и original work довольно четкая. Можно говорить о подлинном original work только в том случае, если ни персонажи, ни сюжетные линии, ни места действия (имеется в виду, конечно, использование придуманных) и т. д. не заимствованы из других книг, фильмов, сериалов и т. п. Fan fiction, напротив, основан на использовании «чужих» персонажей, основного сюжета и пр. Безусловно, довольно часто можно встретить fan fiction, где наряду с заимствованными персонажами действует персонаж, придуманный автором, и тогда это уже fan fiction с элементами original work.

Sub: krista имею ввиду все фанфики.

Nell_Doyle: Nat, а почему на сайте стали недоступны практически все фики? Выдает ошибку...

Nat: Nell_Doyle Потому что boom.ru упал Сервер не работает. Те фики, которые размещены там, сейчас недоступны.

orrlik: Вопрос к модераторам: реально ли фанфики в соответствующем разделе сайта разместить в порядке их хронологического написания, а не по алфавиту?

DellaD: orrlik Больной вопрос, если честно) Я все хотела сделать нормальный фильтр в раздел с разной сортировкой. Чтобы можно было по автору сделать фильтр, по языку, по персонажу, сортировку по алфавиту, по дате или еще по какому признаку. Но руки так и не дошли.

DellaD: orrlik О, кажется, сделала. По крайней мере, вывела по дате публикации на сайте.

Cassandra: DellaD о, здорово)) А то, если бы не Татка, твои фики я читала бы далеко не по порядку)

orrlik: DellaD Фигасе, ты скоростная! Только почему-то "Сумерки. ч.4" оказались сразу после первой части.

DellaD: orrlik А я могу либо сразу, либо руки ни за что не дойдут) Поправила, теперь должно лучше выводиться.

nilia: so I was really bored on Thursday evening,so decided to take a look at the fanfiction page for some older fic that I hadn't read.I chose to read "The Blastie's Stone" ,but when I read it I was surprised to realize it was a sequel to "The way to go",and then I found out almost all stories of Anastasia are sequels! I had read The Way to Go almost a year ago and I didn't know that it has sequels and even more prequels! now I just finished to read through all it's sequels. but as I started to read through it,there was a question on the mind.I thought maybe find the answer to it in one of the stories,but it didn't happen.so now I'm gonna ask you,because otherwise I will lose my mind I hope you remember these stories well :) so it's about Colleen,that whose child is she? you know, the time I had read The way to go,it seemed to me that she's Connor's daughter.I thought maybe it is that Lindsay was pregnant before the investigation in Russia (well don't blame,I hadn't read the previous stories,had no clue ). but now that I read the prequels I found it couldn't be so. and I know about Mark in this stories,but just it is that through the entire stories I didn't get the impression he was her father.or was he?? but it just didn't seem so.even at parts where Connor sees the kid,it more give the impression that he was her father.but how could that be possible?she was born almost 5 years after the incident in Russia,if I'm not mistaken. probably you can say something?did I miss a sequel (read through Coming back to The lost Generation),or maybe I didn't realize something because of the translation?

Maggie: nilia forum is strange thing - maybe last question is not actual for a long time… but I ll answer: Colleen (or Colin, american name too, and have sense with names Connor and Lindsay) is Mark's daughter, her gray eyes could confuse readers, but Anastasia thinks that Lindsay has grey eyes. In Lost generation we have even written confirmation. I've read all her stories and all stories about Lindsay and Colleen are great. Exept for some melodramatic Connor's past all stories seems to me so bright and optimistic, it's like gulp of fresh air after watching pessimistic 3-4 season of PF. And it's more strange that it was written by young girl, i understand this stories better now than if i had read it years ago, not knowing what children can give you.

nilia: Maggie is Mark's daughter, Really?! actually it was not her gray eyes that cofused me,because lindsay also has gray eyes (Nancy's eyes is gray actually). But it was mostly connor's and lindsay's attitudes that made me think colleen was connor's daughter.I mean for examp as I mentioned in my post above,the part where he sees the girl,or the description of the scene where they are together 3 and happy,etc (sorry I can't say exactly what part I mean.I dont remember the details very clearly now ) ,or when mark takes care of colleen, lindsay is so thankful to him,like the way if you asked a friend to take care of your child,not her father. Maggie пишет: In Lost generation we have even written confirmation. Do you remember at what part is the confirmation? I also read Lost Generation,but I didn't noticed it.maybe because I used translator to read it (( I also liked her series of stories in general )) I remember I was lost in it while reading,like I was feeling every part,eventhough there was problem with the translation at some parts. P.S: Maggie пишет: and have sense with names Connor and Lindsay) yes,that has been on my mind too.My Email ID is "nilia.colin" . Back then, I had chose Colin as an acronym from Connor and Lindsay

Maggie: nilia пишет: Nancy's eyes is gray actually umm... i thought light-blue or even sea-blue) From Lost Generation: "Да, я попробую позвонить Марку, но что - то у меня слабая надежда. Он собирался на Мальорку". "В марте месяце?" поинтересовался Коннор. "Ага, там тепло", мечтательно протянула Миа. "Я тоже туда собиралась ехать". "Хватит ныть, позагораешь в Бретани", в разговор включился Питер. Линдсей тем временем возбужденно говорила в трубку: "Но ведь это и твоя дочка. Не прикидывайся, Марк. Что? Я виновата? Да, что с тобой связалась!" Она бросила телефон.

Maggie: nilia пишет: I mean for examp as I mentioned in my post above,the part where he sees the girl,or the description of the scene where they are together 3 and happy,etc I think when man loves the woman he loves her child too, I mean really loves. And Anastasia writes how everybody like little one))) nilia пишет: or when mark takes care of colleen, lindsay is so thankful to him,like the way if you asked a friend to take care of your child,not her father. And about Mark – I don’t think he would be the first one whom she asked to sit with her daughter if he was not father. It would be strange to ask her ex-boyfriend to sit with her daughter And after all in 2 stories when she was pregnant there was not Doyle at all, she was absolutely sure he was dead for several years. And Doyle came to her when Colin was about 2 years and saw her for the first time. I had no questions who’s daughter she is during reading That didn't change the fact that Lindsay didn't love father of her child and didn't want to live with him. nilia пишет: My Email ID is "nilia.colin" . Back then, I had chose Colin as an acronym from Connor and Lindsay wow) i like this name more now

nilia: Maggie ,Thanks for the refrence! aw, I don't know how I missed the part?! Or,maybe I know.when I found all the stories are a series,I couldn't wait to read all sooner.and because only on the weekend I had enough time,I stayed awake until late in night (2? 3? ) to finish all. so maybe I was too sleepy to pay attention? Maggie пишет: And after all in 2 stories when she was pregnant there was not Doyle at all, she was absolutely sure he was dead for several years. And Doyle came to her when Colin was about 2 years and saw her for the first time. Yes you are right.and that was the point I was confused. you know, the problem was,I didn't read the series exactly in order.first, years ago I had read The Way To Go,which left me the thoght colleen was connor's daughter,while I was not aware of other stories and what happened in them.then after a long time, I read Blastie's Stone, where colleen was already 3 (and having The Way to Go in mind,still assuming the same), then found other prequels,where I found lindsay was pregnant years after accident in Russia. I don't know why I did not think she's mark's daughter.now taking a fast review to the stories again,I found more parts that if I had pay attention, I could find out. Maybe really the tiredness was to blame or maybe I was so lost in the general story,and Lindsay and Connor's relationship that I did not pay much attention to Mark. and there is the fact I never tried to hide: I never liked Mark.I always hated him actually. Maggie пишет: That didn't change the fact that Lindsay didn't love father of her child and didn't want to live with him. That,sure you're right.nothing changes the fact P.S: Maggie пишет: umm... i thought light-blue or even sea-blue) It's common, that the gray eyes sometime seem blue or green ( and on a more exact naming its called gray-blue or grey-green).its because the genetic elements of gray and blue eye colors are very simillar .the difference of the two colors is mostly related to the way reflected light scatters (not the genes).so since its about the light reflection,environment lightning may also affect the eye color sometime.for example when they wear blue,the eye look more bluish than gray ))

Maggie: nilia пишет: so maybe I was too sleepy to pay attention? i'm still shocked that you read some fics with translator and was able to have pleasure...!!! nilia пишет: and there is the fact I never tried to hide: I never liked Mark.I always hated him actually. you know… I have watched 2-4 seasons just weeks ago for the first time and I don’t know how I would react if I watched it years ago. But now… I was really glad to see him in series because it was too painful to watch Lindsay so troubled and unhappy. He made her if not really happy but feel better and feel emotions and feel loved, it’s a big deal. He is obviously not the man of her life, of course, but the way of relationship in Anastasia’s fics really fit for my imagination. I think Lindsay looks light-headed but she feels too deep under her mask with smiles. And Mark not the worse variant nilia пишет: so since its about the light reflection,environment lightning may also affect the eye color sometime.for example when they wear blue,the eye look more bluish than gray )) yeah, my eyes looks more greenish with green cloth and bright blue on the daylight, but usually blue-gray. Nansy’s eyes lighter than my. And I usually think about eyes as gray only if they don’t have color at all

Maggie: фото yesterday i tryed to sketch Doyle's face, reacting on Lindsay's joke, he always smiles at her jokes

nilia: Maggie пишет: I don’t know how I would react if I watched it years ago. But now… I was really glad to see him in series Maggie I understand you.when I watched it years ago,I really hated him ,so much that I didn't even want to bring his name,talk about it,or hear about him. but gradually I became calmer toward him.I could talk,discuss why I do not like,hear ideas,and as you see read stories with him (though I read the stories because of Lindsay and Connor, and because they were written great ). I still do not like him.I don't think he's lindsay's type ; and he also isn't the type of man I would like. so I can not like him. but now I can understand it at least.yes he was not the man of her dreams,not "the one" for her,not that idealistic love,but yet he made her feel loved again. so,though I don't like and don't confirm his presence in the movie; but at least can accept. and act a bit softer toward him , "a bit" Maggie пишет: i tryed to sketch Doyle's face, reacting on Lindsay's joke Wow! Isn't it from the episode about snakes?))) he always smiles at her jokes Yes I also noticed that And l liked when they joked at Peter.Two vs. One ,poor Pete

Maggie: nilia пишет: I could talk,discuss why I do not like,hear ideas,and as you see read stories with him...and because they were written great sounds like my attitude towards Connor/Clare pairing i like style of some fics about it and read because interesting plot even if i still don't see that pairing, i read it like about different characters (partly its true - their action far from canon, and Lindsay is always far from canon woman...) (and it's really rather difficult to find good fics, sometimes even C/L can't help... if plot or style isn't good) can u advice smth? nilia пишет: and he also isn't the type of man I would like difficult to argue nilia пишет: Isn't it from the episode about snakes?))) Exactly!) Do you know series that well or he didn’t smile often? i like when people jokes if it's not malicious) jokes about Peter seems to me rather friendly, it didn't sound offensive, but he really funny) but well, i like so much moment when Peter joked back!)

nilia: Maggie пишет: sounds like my attitude towards Connor/Clare pairing I read only one fic with Connor/Clair pairing.but it is something I can not get in the mind :/ it's different about Mark and their relashionship. it Was there. no one can deny. that we like it or not,that we think they didn't fit each other,is a different matter. But connor/clair ,I don't see a single hint. so, can not imagine. it just doesn't fit in the mind,and when I read a story I like to imagine it. that's why I didn't continue reading those fics. Maggie пишет: (partly its true - their action far from canon, and Lindsay is always far from canon woman...) Sorry I didn't understand you exactly Maggie пишет: can u advice smth? If you don't mind reading in English,then I can suggest some. one of my first read and favorites are Tami's stories (it starts from Crystal Scarab and ends with The Eye of Horus) My other favorites are Memories , Australian Trip , Shark point , Dohr , and Green eyed killer from Sandy. she has a lot more PF fics,and I like some others,but many of her stories are crossovers with other movies,or in AU genre.I just linked the ones that are more close to psi factor and are also my favorites. There was also another great story, "Critical Fault", which I liked the style and opinion,but apparantly the site which it was on,is no longer available (( I'm not sure, but I might have a copy of it on my computer.I don't have access to my computer at the moment,but if you want,I can send it to you in 3 days )) Maggie пишет: Do you know series that well or he didn’t smile often? I almost know the first season (+ Regeneration ) by heart.I watched it many times (3?4?5? I don't know really ; or as my sister says,watching it for the 1501th time ) i like when people jokes if it's not malicious) jokes about Peter seems to me rather friendly,...but well, i like so much moment when Peter joked back!) I liked their relationship generally.despite that some say in the first year they were so strict,to me all team members seemed so friendly to each other; warm and caring,friends who could count on each other and trust.and those friendly jokes just made everything more sweet

nilia: By the way did you also read "The Return" from Anastasia? I liked the story ,but also after reading, it left me a mixed feeling.I don't know how to describe.I didn't know I was happy or sad. it felt strange in heart. It was great that connor and linds could finally have the happy life,but sad what happened then.I felt deep for Anne Julia; though she finally could find her way. remembering it still gives me the same feeling. I liked the story in general and its style.the first-person narrative also made the story more imperessive. it was the great way to convey all the feelings

nilia: Maggie I uploaded Critical Fault.if you want,you can read it here

Maggie: nilia thank you so much! i ll read it soon! i've already started reading fics you suggested. Unfortunately there are not much impressive stories with interesting cases without too much romantic cliché and it would be unreal to read all stories to find good ones) so thank you again :) I liked so mush Australian Trip, funny and embarrassing idea)) and part about scarab is really nice

Maggie: nilia пишет: But connor/clair ,I don't see a single hint. So do I! I started read one fic not knowing what was that about (there was not warning in the beginning about pairing), I liked the story and style of writing and I was interested, it was essential to know the end of the story. And though I had pleasure from the story, every action and dialog between C/C seems to me far from original and I feel like it was story about different people. Feel wrong in some way) And maybe I feel jealous for Lindsay))) Sorry I didn't understand you exactly I mean that in all stories about C/C Lindsay is very different – at least not a woman we see in her. I don’t know why in all those stories she act like blond school girl in unrequited love with her boss. In series she act like smart grown-up woman, absolutely equal to her coworkers, and even if she feels smth to Connor it’s not obvious, I don’t see why her coworkers would think that she is unrequited love with her boss. And it happens in those stories.

Maggie: nilia пишет: I almost know the first season (+ Regeneration ) by heart. Well, I guess if they were able to inspire such love in us for so long period it means it was talented thing. If I’ll have some time, I ll try to sketch some more drawings))) ll guess where from) nilia пишет: By the way did you also read "The Return" from Anastasia? Yeah, I’ve read all her stories and like her style, but I like more her stories about PF cases and PF characters and this story was more about new personage. In general that story leaves sad impression because it’s always sad when child is abandoned (even if involuntary) and sad because she could not love Peter as parent though he gives her all his love, it’s unfair. And it’s sad when child spend all childhood in deep depression – childhood is important stage of life… And yes, when I read her stories it’s like I live it myself)))

DellaD: Just wonder Maggie пишет: I mean that in all stories about C/C Lindsay is very different – at least not a woman we see in her. I don’t know why in all those stories she act like blond school girl in unrequited love with her boss. What is so blond-school-girl-like in Lindsay in Найтенгейл, for example? Maybe as an author I just don't see it? Neither there nor in Новые хроники аномального series.

Maggie: First of all I would say to you as author that I really like you style, very mature and realistic, and ironic. And cases you describe worth reading on 100%. In fact I accept your universe (or universes), though it don’t fit with mine in some ways. (I don’t like relations between colleagues; it’s ok if it’s one accidental love affair, but when both main characters had previous relations with members of their very small group and have new one between them it seems to me like Santa-Barbara) in this case I sound like puritan though I’m far from ) About Lindsay… In her description I saw rather often words offended, sarcastic, caustic, she blushes, quarrels with Claire who will sit beside his bed and who will sleep beside him (I’m still laugh remembering), she don’t speak to Claire and rush past her when she found out about C/C – is not it school-girl reactions? «Линдсей вся подобралась, как будто собиралась выступать не перед тремя коллегами, а перед тысячной аудиторией. Хотя надо понимать, что у нее один Дойл шел как минимум за тысячу» Claire says «– Хм, я-то думаю, с чего это Линдсей за тобой несколько лет хвостиком ходила, кофе подавала, в глаза преданно заглядывала, а потом как отрезало». Who is caustic after that. «– А что изменилось теперь? – едким тоном поинтересовалась Линдсей. – С чего ты вдруг начал принимать участие? Только не говори, что это отношения с Дэвисон тебя так преобразили, все равно не поверю. – Да нет, – Коннор усмехнулся, – не в этом дело. Просто так сложилось, наверное. Время идет, Линдсей, и мы меняемся. Смотрим на многие вещи иначе. – Время не способно излечить эгоизм, Дойл, – с горечью заметила Доннер. – Так в чем подвох? Просто еще один способ произвести впечатление? Что, у Клер такой сильный материнский инстинкт, что без сына ее было в постель не затащить?» if canon Lindsay said such unworthy thing I doubt I would like her so much. She tells the truth and she rather straight speaking, but she never gave us hint that she would act indecently in offensive situation. And situation is offensive after all. i will not write some quotes. Well, we all can see in one action different meaning, everybody has own “map”. From all this it's only one conclusion - you don't like Lindsay as character) (as I do) P.S.: в начале Хроник написано про связь с Шерлоком ВВС, фактически не увидела – что это значит? Шерлок моя любовь, вот уж его портретов у меня всяких разных P.S.: DellaD странно отвечать на англ) и я ошибаюсь, или у тебя есть фики про Снейпа? Очень бы хотелось ссылочку… )

nilia: Maggie Never mind,you're welcome! )) Maggie пишет: I liked so mush Australian Trip, funny and embarrassing idea)) and part about scarab is really nice I'm glad you liked it )) I really like Australian trip too.it's funny, and also very well-described.both the situations and the natural scenes are described well.and I like the end part )) Maggie пишет: I started read one fic not knowing what was that about (there was not warning in the beginning about pairing) I also read the story about c/c without knowing of the pairing. it was a role play in fact, the "Мега-вечеринка: Этот дикий, дикий запад" , And I guess I started to read the next role play after it too,but left it halfway. Maggie пишет: every action and dialog between C/C seems to me far from original and I feel like it was story about different people. Feel wrong in some way) That's exactly how I felt! Usually when I read fanfics I can really imagine it about the characters,(sometimes even like Im living it myself).it's easier to imagine the characters in the situation in a fanfic than in a story book, because you already have an image of the characters in your mind,you don't need to try to sketch a character in your mind only based on the descriptions.but when I read the fics about c/c pairing,it does not fit the image in the mind. so it looks like I'm reading about different people,not the always familiar connor doyle and clair davison.the all time familiar characters suddenly become only a name _unfamiliar personage ; and I didn't like that feeling. so I didn't continue reading the fics. Maggie пишет: I mean that in all stories about C/C Lindsay is very different – at least not a woman we see in her Thank you ,now I got your point ) since I read only one story about pairing c/c, I can not give opinion on her character in those stories. but that you don't see why everyone should think she is The blond girl in unrequited love with the boss,I agree with you. Firstly I do not see "The blond girl" stereotype character in lindsay at all.the blond stereotype,not only someone with blond hair color,it has special characters.usually described as someone who is attractive but unintelligent someone who only relies on look rather than intelligence,and cares about nothing other than go out and have fun. lindsay's character in the movie is a smart, grown up woman,strong and self confident,who is high educated and who cares about other people's life,experiencing,challenging and learning.she feels deep and cares. all this charactristics are exactly the opposit of the personality of that blond girl. Secondly,though she had something for connor,she never acted in a way that would make a gossip behind her. Thirdly I do not see an unrequited love at all! what I see is matual feellings..(I had said enough of the reasons and hints before) Besides,what I never got the impression whatching the movie, was the boss-subordinate relationship between the case manager and other team members. so I never got the imperession she was in "unrequited" love with her "boss" Maggie пишет: If I’ll have some time, I ll try to sketch some more drawings))) ll guess where from) Wow! I would like to see

Maggie: nilia пишет: I also read the story about c/c without knowing of the pairing. it was a role play in fact, the "Мега-вечеринка: Этот дикий, дикий запад" , And I guess I started to read the next role play after it too,but left it halfway. it was my last C/C fic, i've not laughed that much for a long time, great idea... but all ocasion in the end became sorrowful

Maggie: nilia It’s amazing how precisely you describe my attitude at all three points and character of Lindsay! You must be my kindred spirit in this area!))) and yes, with “blond» I meant exactly what you said... nilia пишет: Secondly,though she had something for connor,she never acted in a way that would make a gossip behind her. That’s my point! DellaD , I wonder why do you feel like that (or put a link to old topic, I’m sure you discussed it long ago.) (Regeneration is not included in fics if i'm correct) nilia пишет: ..(I had said enough of the reasons and hints before) Can you give me a link to old topic (if you remember, of course) nilia пишет: Besides,what I never got the impression whatching the movie, was the boss-subordinate relationship between the case manager and other team members. There were some sharp angles in relationship between the case manager and other team members, and it always was difficult for Connor because of his good attention and friendship with them.

DellaD: Maggie Ну вы просто говорили на английском, поэтому я на английском и вклинилась. Если на русском удобнее, то могу на русском. Линдсей вся подобралась, как будто собиралась выступать не перед тремя коллегами, а перед тысячной аудиторией. Хотя надо понимать, что у нее один Дойл шел как минимум за тысячу – Хм, я-то думаю, с чего это Линдсей за тобой несколько лет хвостиком ходила, кофе подавала, в глаза преданно заглядывала, а потом как отрезало Все-таки нельзя забывать, что в первом случае - это взгляд с позиции Клер, во втором, вообще ее слова. Все это гораздо больше характеризует Клер, чем Линдсей. Впрочем, не буду отрицать, что Линдсей никогда особо мне не нравилась. Первый эпизод второго сезона, ее поступок в конце второго сезона, а также чудесная серия Лифт, которая дала нам заглянуть в то, что она думает, но не говорит, определенно не добавили мне симпатии к ней. Да и в общем-то ее поведение в Перестройке определенно говорит о том, что когда речь заходит о ревности, она ведет себя не очень-то бело и пушисто. Конечно, дальше у меня идет домысливание, но полагаю, что если бы Дойл не оправдал ее надежд, она могла бы вести себя и грубо, и уязвленно. Но в целом, я не вижу поведения школьницы-блондинки в разочаровании и боли, которые время от времени прорываются в образе фиковой Линдсей. Вот пурген в кофе - да, тут есть что-то похожее. Насчет фиков по ГП - тут есть ссылки.

Maggie: DellaD Английский ок, если nilia удобнее в этом диалоге DellaD пишет: не буду отрицать, что Линдсей никогда особо мне не нравилась I see, so it is an explanation of all the needles in her direction (not only from Claire but from Connor too, i didn't write all the quotes). It’s smth that I can accept as fact Because in “Elevator”I personally was shocked with Claire words and behavior (usually rather nice person). And for me nothing of Lindsay’s words can compare with Claire’s hint about Anton (who is her friend as I remember) Everyone has own point of view after all DellaD пишет: Насчет фиков по ГП - тут есть ссылки. спасибо большое!

DellaD: Maggie Yes, Claire has here own issues, I think rather big ones. That's why I like to write about her. I like to think she has some issues that I have. As for the pairing, I find C/L and C/C equally "uncanonical". So it's easy to understand why I choose C/C :) PS Кажется, мне придется серьезно чистить тему и переносить всю эту дискуссию туда, где она будет более уместна) И там еще был вопрос про Шерлока ВВС. Мы просто указывали, что сам мир возник в результате ролевой игры в Скайпе, которая так и не была доиграна, но некоторые факты, которые упоминаются в тексте, относятся именно к ней. Собственно, в той игре планировалось совместить миры ПФ и Шерлока.

nilia: Maggie пишет: Can you give me a link to old topic Maggie I meant about the discussions we had, about hints of lindsay/connor relationship in the series.in Шипперские войны and Коннор Дойл как личность

nilia: DellaD пишет: It’s amazing how precisely you describe my attitude at all three points and character of Lindsay! .... and yes, with “blond» I meant exactly what you said... You know,I like all those characters in lindsay.she impressed me a lot.she is strong,very together,but sensetive and caring the same time.I do not understand how can she seem like a "blond girl". I never can like such a pesrsonality. By the way, it's not only the character of lindsay.such attitudes are usually seen in other roles of Nancy too.she even mentioned in an interview that she likes to play roles that has something to say.not the ones that portrays a bimbo-girl attitude )) Maggie пишет: ! You must be my kindred spirit in this area!))) I'm also glad someone understands me )))

Maggie: DellaD пишет: Yes, Claire has here own issues, I think rather big ones. That's why I like to write about her. I like to think she has some issues that I have. As for the pairing, I find C/L and C/C equally "uncanonical". So it's easy to understand why I choose C/C : Yes,I can understand it completely!(maybe that's why i tried to protect Lindsay- i see myself in her actions and feelings ) now when I know why did you wrote her this way, I will read it from your point of view and have pleasure from style and plot, but it still will be easier for me to imagine different person in your "Lindsay" :)

DellaD: Maggie but it still will be easier for me to imagine different person in your "Lindsay" :) They are always different. I mean in ff characters usually only have names and some background of original characters. I think I have different Lindsay in interactive story "Regeneration". And in one of ff from Фандомная битва.

Maggie: nilia пишет: By the way, it's not only the character of lindsay.such attitudes are usually seen in other roles of Nancy too.she even mentioned in an interview that she likes to play roles that has something to say.not the ones that portrays a bimbo-girl attitude )) glad to hear that! i've not seen another her roles. but she was a model and it's so nice to hear that attitude! nilia Thank you for “Critical Fault”! It’s good explanation of events and very well formed! And it was more strange to read because I lived for a long time in Arkhangelsk and my school was near Arkhangelsk State Medical University. I know that person who wrote it never have been there, but all the story seems to me more real and I imagine even more then it was intented :) By the way, did you read fic Призрак (Ghost) (in Russian)?

Maggie: DellaD пишет: I think I have different Lindsay in interactive story "Regeneration". And in one of ff from Фандомная битва. if it's not in ff list i'm afraid i have not read it yet) P.S.: надеюсь тема не очень пострадала от дискуссии) У меня есть рисунок еще одного Коннора, может в другую темку выложить? свое мнение выскажете, буду рада)

nilia: Maggie пишет: but she was a model and it's so nice to hear that attitude! In this interview actually her modeling career was also mentiond, and from the authour's description,the ads she worked on as a model, also showed the same attitudes.she had a concern about how of a role model she is for other women: "I don't want to do the bimbo stuff,'' ``You do have choices, and as you make choices it may change somebody's mind. It's not just women's lib--it's about people living together as people.'' * *it is a part of her quote from the interview.sorry I can not put the entire article because of the copyright reasons. Maggie пишет: And it was more strange to read because I lived for a long time in Arkhangelsk and my school was near Arkhangelsk State Medical University. Wow!!! I really liked the story,because it had a great idea of how to bring back Connor after all the things happened in the original series. it was also in the style of events in the series.if there was a fifth season,it could be used as a plot. Maggie пишет: By the way, did you read fic Призрак (Ghost) (in Russian)? Do you mean the story of Night Flower and Ldsz? yes I had read it and I liked it )) though it almost killed me through out the story,everything turned out good at the end )) Roger drived me crazy.but he got what he deserved,finally.(and no my feeling toward him was not only because of his relationship with lindsay. it's that sense that sometimes when you are watching a movie or reading a story you know something is wrong with the person.you just feel it,before anything happen.and while reading the story I was waiting for such a thing..) and I liked the explanation of the scenes and events in the church. it was like,I could feel it myself all lindsay's feelings..

DellaD: Maggie Любые творческие работы просьба выкладывать в разделе Творчество.

Maggie: DellaD пишет: I think I have different Lindsay in interactive story regeneration Делла, вот нет этой истории в списке,так бы и не увидела,если бы здесь не развела дискуссию . Но это ПОТРЯСАЮЩЕ! Мне повезло больше всех,что прочитала уже законченную историю каждое слово в точку - ни одно бы не хотелось изменить, канонная Лин в моем представлении именно такая. Ты талантище! я в полном восторге, хочу продолжения и тоже полюбила этого превосходного клона (невозможно не полюбить)

DellaD: Maggie Я просто никак не дойду до обновления :) Спасибо. Продолжение там тоже есть, Facade, но оно так и не закончено.

Maggie: nilia пишет: *it is a part of her quote from the interview. where can I read/watch the original? I saw only one small interview about PF S2 nilia пишет: yes I had read it and I liked it )) yes, that one. Roger drived me crazy from the beginning at least because of all his unnatural "sweetie and dear")))) I was glad to know that it was not story about ghost after all)))

Maggie: DellaD точно, я его начинала читать, мне нравилось. Но после первого он совсем по-другому бы воспринялся))) так что с удовольствием почитаю его потом целиком)

nilia: Maggie , Maggie пишет: where can I read/watch the original? It was a magazine article.Unfortunately it is not available on sites for public view.I had found the magazine page on ProQuest database ; accessing it through university databases (or maybe it was not proquest but from another database,I'm not sure since I searched through all of them) Maggie пишет: at least because of all his unnatural "sweetie and dear" Exactly! You really could feel the unnaturalness

Maggie: nilia пишет: accessing it through university databases i see :))) well, i'm glad I know it from you) and i wanted to ask how did you keep in touch with Nancy, i-net?

nilia: Maggie пишет: and i wanted to ask how did you keep in touch with Nancy, i-net? Maggie , I talked to her on the phone ))

Maggie: nilia пишет: I talked to her on the phone Wow!))) That's great, i hope you ll tell smth , maybe in PM ))

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